CPR vs. Heimlich Maneuver: What's the Difference?

You might have taken a CPR class, but it’s a good idea to refresh your knowledge. If you’re ever in a situation where someone needs CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), it’s important to act quickly and correctly. Begin CPR by giving rescue breaths and then begin chest compressions on the person's chest to ensure oxygen-rich blood reaches the brain. While administering compressions seems simple enough, there are some differences between the proper technique for both adults and children. If you’re unsure about how best to administer CPR in an emergency situation, read on for answers to your most pressing questions about this essential lifesaving technique:

Differences Between CPR & the Heimlich Maneuver

The Heimlich Maneuver is Used for Choking

It's a first-aid procedure that can be used for choking victims, but it's not recommended as an alternative to CPR when someone has stopped breathing. If you're unsure whether you should attempt the Heimlich maneuver, call 911 immediately.

Using abdominal thrusts as a first response for choking: Stand behind the victim and wrap your arms around their waist; make a fist with one hand and place it just above their belly button (this is called "fist position"). Place your other hand on top of your fist so that both hands are pressing into their abdomen at once; pull upward sharply while pushing inward forcefully three times in quick succession--about one second apart--until help arrives or the object comes out on its own.

Abdominal Thrusts and Chest Compressions

If you are alone and someone is choking, place yourself flat against a wall or other sturdy object to prevent injury to yourself or the person who is choking. Then, place one hand on top of the other with your fingers interlaced and press down sharply into their abdomen (towards their spine) five times in quick succession. After each thrust, check if they are breathing normally again before continuing with more abdominal thrusts if necessary.

If another person is available who can perform the Heimlich maneuver:

  • Have them call 911 immediately; then proceed with steps 2-4 below until help arrives

Know When to Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Instead, call 911 and let them know that you are performing CPR on the victim. Rescue breathing and rescue breaths are essential components of CPR, involving checking the person's mouth for obstructions and using mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose techniques to restore normal breathing and circulation.

The use of abdominal thrusts as a first response for choking in adults and children over 1-year-old who are conscious, alert, and not coughing forcefully (i.e., they’re able to speak) is recommended. If you’re unsure whether you should attempt the Heimlich maneuver, call 911 immediately!

Know When to Call 911

If the person is conscious, ask them if they want you to try the Heimlich maneuver. If so, follow these steps:

  • Stand behind the person who's choking and place your arms around their waist with one hand just above their belly button and your other hand below it (this will help create more force).

  • Make a fist with one hand and place it between their ribs and upper abdomen--just below where their lungs are located--so that your thumb points toward their back (the location of most organs). This is where food often lodges during an obstruction; having this spot in mind will allow more control over where pressure is applied later on in step 3 below when performing compressions on someone who may be experiencing cardiac arrest due to choking/asphyxiation symptoms due to lack of oxygen reaching vital organs due to blockage caused by food lodged within throat/esophagus area."

Key Similarities and Differences

The Heimlich maneuver is used to dislodge foreign objects from the throat. It’s also known as abdominal thrusts, or “the Heimlich.” The technique involves placing your arms around the person who is choking, then using your hands to press firmly inwards and upwards just above their belly button (not too high). This forces air out of their lungs and frees their airway from any blockage.

In contrast, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique used in emergencies where someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. CPR involves chest compressions and artificial ventilation to manually preserve brain function and circulate oxygenated blood to vital organs. During rescue breaths, ensure the person's mouth is properly sealed to observe chest rise, indicating effective ventilation.

Actions for Choking

MyCPR NOW recommends performing this action until the object is dislodged or you see signs that they are no longer choking – coughing or breathing normally again. You should never use this method if there’s a chance that something sharp could pierce your hand while pressing against them; it’s also not advised if someone has asthma or another medical condition where pressure could be dangerous for them. For example: If someone had an allergic reaction while eating peanuts at dinner tonight, don’t try using abdominal thrusts because they may not work well due to swelling in their throat caused by severe allergic reactions like peanut allergies! Instead, call 911 immediately so paramedics can take over care duties until further notice…

If you’re unsure whether you should attempt the Heimlich maneuver, call 911 immediately. If you do decide to try it, make sure that the person is sitting upright and can breathe before proceeding with the technique. Also remember: Using abdominal thrusts as a first response for choking is recommended because they’re easier than abdominal thrusts in people who are unconscious or unable to speak due to other medical conditions like anaphylaxis (an allergic reaction).

Actions for Sudden Cardiac Arrest

In cases of sudden cardiac arrest, using an automated external defibrillator (AED) during CPR is crucial. Continuous chest compressions are essential for maintaining circulatory flow and oxygenation. CPR compressions should be performed at the correct rate and depth to restore blood flow effectively. It is important to perform chest compressions until there are signs of movement or until emergency medical personnel take over.

CPR training courses are available for individuals, families, workplaces, and community groups, highlighting the importance of first aid skills in coping with emergency situations.

When performing CPR, place your hands on the center of the person's chest and push down hard and fast. This action helps to maintain blood flow to vital organs during cardiac arrest.


Understanding the distinct differences between the Heimlich maneuver and CPR is crucial for effectively responding to emergencies. The Heimlich maneuver is specifically designed to dislodge foreign objects from the airway in conscious choking victims, while CPR is a lifesaving technique used in cases where a person's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. Each method requires precise application to ensure the best possible outcome. By familiarizing yourself with when and how to perform these techniques, and knowing when to call 911, you can be better prepared to act quickly and confidently in a critical situation. Regular training and refreshers in both CPR and the Heimlich maneuver are highly recommended to keep these vital skills sharp, potentially saving lives when every second counts.


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