CPR in Schools: Preparing the Next Generation


We've all seen the signs in our local schools. It's a sad sign of the times, but it's also a good thing: it means that health professionals are taking this seriously and working hard to make sure that people learn CPR skills before there's an emergency. With so many children living longer than ever before, there's a greater chance that they'll need these skills at some point in their lives. But how do we teach kids about lifesaving techniques when they're just learning how to tie their own shoes? And what should parents do if they're worried about their child learning these skills? Let me break down everything you need to know about this important subject!

What does CPR stand for?

  • Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving technique that can help restart the heart and lungs.
  • CPR involves chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth breathing.
  • It helps oxygen circulate in the body, which keeps blood flowing to vital organs like your brain and heart.
  • AEDs are used on adults, but not children because they have different-sized chests than adults do--this means an adult may need more force from someone doing compressions to keep their airway open, whereas children don't need as much force because their airways are smaller than adults.

How long does it take to learn CPR?

Learning CPR is a two-hour course that you can take in person or online. Free online courses with videos and animated illustrations are available, as well as live classes at local hospitals and community centers.

What are the benefits of learning CPR skills?

Learning CPR skills is an easy way to help save a life. In the event of an emergency, people can be trained to perform chest compression and breathing on a victim, which will increase the chances of survival.

How long can a person be without oxygen?

The answer depends on several factors, including their age and health. Generally speaking, though, it's safe to say that any loss of consciousness lasting more than 10 seconds is cause for concern.

Once you've determined that someone is suffering from cardiac arrest (if they're not breathing), the most important thing to do is call 911 immediately from a safe place. If you have time before help arrives--and if it wouldn't put yourself or others at risk--you should start chest compressions using both hands together in an even motion over the sternum (breastbone). You should also try to open their airway by tilting their head back slightly while lifting up on their chin; this makes it easier for them to breathe again once CPR has restarted their heartbeat and circulation.

What should I do if someone is choking?

If you're ever in a situation where someone is choking and you aren't sure what to do, ask them if they are choking. If the person answers "no," do nothing--choking isn't always obvious, and asking them to cough may help dislodge whatever is stuck in their throat. If the person answers "yes" or doesn't respond at all, do abdominal thrusts until the object comes out of their mouth (or until EMS arrives).

If chest compressions are needed after abdominal thrusts fail:

  • Position yourself behind them so that both of your arms reach across the chest; place one hand on top of another; keep fingers locked together throughout this process so they don't slip off each other during compression; press down 1 finger width below the centerline between nipples; press hard enough so your arms will ache but not so hard that they hurt too much or become fatigued quickly--this should take about 100-120 compressions per minute (1 every 5 seconds). Once paramedics arrive they will take over care from there!

Should I do chest compressions on anyone without training?

The answer is yes. You should do chest compressions on anyone who is not breathing and has no pulse, regardless of whether you have been trained in CPR. If the person is a child and in cardiac arrest, it's especially important to start doing CPR immediately because children are more likely than adults to survive cardiac arrest if the condition is treated within the first few minutes after it happens.

If you aren't sure what to do next, call 911 immediately and ask for an ambulance. The dispatcher will give instructions over the phone on how best to proceed until help arrives--and most importantly: don't stop performing chest compressions!

When is it time to call 911 or an ambulance, and what should I tell them about my loved one?

  • Call 911 or an ambulance if the person is unconscious, not breathing normally, or has no pulse.
  • Stay on the line with the dispatcher until help arrives.
  • Tell them about any medical conditions your loved one has and ask how best to protect them from further harm while waiting for help to arrive.
  • You may also want to consider moving them away from any dangerous items (such as broken glass) that could cause additional injury if stepped on by accident by another person in your home or office building during this time period while waiting for paramedics -- especially if they're outside!

Learning CPR skills could save lives in an emergency.

When you learn to perform CPR, you're giving someone who has suffered cardiac arrest or other life-threatening injuries a chance of surviving and being healthy again.

CPR can help keep blood flowing to the brain and other vital organs until emergency medical personnel arrive on the scene. By performing chest compressions on someone who's stopped breathing (or is not breathing normally), you are forcing blood back into their heart, which increases their chance of survival by 50%.

It takes less than 30 minutes to learn the basics of CPR; however, it is recommended that you take a free class at your local hospital so that they can teach you how best to practice on dummies and receive feedback on your technique before trying anything with real people! Practicing these skills regularly will make them second nature when faced with an emergency situation so there's no hesitancy when it comes time for action!


If you're looking for a way to give back to your community and help save lives, learning CPR skills is an excellent choice. You can take classes at local hospitals or community centers, and they offer free training for everyone from kids to seniors. The most important thing is that people know how to perform chest compressions on someone who's not breathing normally--and that means everyone should learn the basics!


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