First Aid for Common Cat Allergies: What to Look Out For

First Aid for Common Cat Allergies: What to Look Out For

First Aid for Common Cat Allergies: What to Look Out For

If you're one of the estimated 15 million Americans who suffer from cat allergies, then you know how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, there are treatments available to help manage cat allergies and reduce your symptoms. But if you're not sure what to look out for, here's a quick guide:

If your cat is a source of allergy symptoms

The first step is to determine which allergens are causing your allergic reactions. Cat dander is the main cause of cat allergies, but saliva can also be an allergen. Cat hair and fur may also trigger an allergic reaction in some people due to their ability to trap airborne allergens like pollen or mold spores as well as dust mites and other microscopic organisms that live in homes with pets.

When these allergens are inhaled through the nose or mouth (or touched with bare skin), they can trigger an immune response resulting in symptoms such as sneezing; itchy eyes; runny nose; scratchy throat; coughing; diarrhea; nausea; vomiting; hives/rash over large areas of skin surface area (eczema); swelling around mouth area due either directly inside nose passages themselves where air enters during breathing process itself or outside mouth cavity near nostrils opening outwards towards forehead region where air flows freely into lungs after passing through nasal passages' lining walls before entering trachea tube leading straight down into chest cavity where heart pumps blood throughout body organs through arteries veins etcetera...

You may experience symptoms when you come in 

If you're allergic to cats, you may experience symptoms when you come in contact with the dander on your cat's fur. Allergens in cat hair can be transferred to pillows, clothes, and furniture. Cats have high levels of Fel d 1, a protein that causes an allergic response in many people. Cat allergy symptoms can vary in severity and duration depending on each person's sensitivity level; it's best to avoid cats if you have a severe allergy to their saliva or dander. However, there are ways to manage cat allergies without giving up Fido entirely:

Allergens in cat hair can also be transferred

Another way that cat allergies can be triggered is through contact with the dander in cat hair. The dander will transfer from your pet's fur to pillows, clothing, and furniture. If you then touch these items, you may experience an allergic reaction. Allergy symptoms vary in severity but can include watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, and hives or rashes on the skin.

Allergic reactions are often mild; however, some people suffer from severe reactions known as anaphylaxis (an-a-fi-lak-sis). This can lead to difficulty breathing as well as swelling around the mouth or face - it's important if you suffer from this type of allergy that you seek medical attention immediately if symptoms begin to appear after being exposed to cats.

Cats have high levels of Fel d 1

Fel d 1 is a protein that causes an allergic response in many people. It's found in the saliva and skin of cats, as well as in their dander and hair. The best way to manage cat allergies is by avoiding cats altogether, but this isn't always possible--and even if you do decide to get rid of your furry friend, you might still have an allergy to pet dander for years after he's gone (because it can remain airborne for months). 

Cat allergy symptoms can vary in severity and duration 

Cat allergies can vary in severity and duration depending on each person's sensitivity level. Some people may only experience mild symptoms, while others find that their allergies are severe enough to interfere with their daily lives. Seasonal symptoms tend to be more common than year-round ones--but this isn't always true, so keep an eye out for any new changes in your cat allergy symptoms!

Cat allergies can also be triggered by direct contact or by secondhand exposure to cats' saliva, dander (the dead skin flakes shed by cats), or hair. You might notice sneezing as well as coughing when you're around your feline friend--and because they're so small, itchy eyes are another frequent symptom of cat allergies among humans who have them. Your nose might run too if there's been too much exposure; likewise for the rest of your face if you've rubbed against Fluffy without realizing she was shedding her fur everywhere!

It's best to avoid cats 

If you have a severe allergy to cats and are unable to avoid them, it's best to avoid the cat. If this isn't possible, then it's important that you be prepared with an auto-injector in case of an emergency or seek medical attention immediately.

For those who aren't allergic but still want the company of their furry friends without the sneezing and itching, there are plenty of options:

  • You can still enjoy watching your cat from a distance (and not being covered in fur).
  • You can still enjoy the company of your cat from a distance (and not be covered in fur).

There are ways to manage cat allergies 

  • Allergy shots: These can help desensitize you to the allergens in cats and reduce symptoms. They're typically given by an allergist or immunologist, who will monitor your progress and adjust the dosage as needed.
  • Medication: If allergy shots aren't an option for you, there are also several types of medication that can help with your symptoms--including antihistamines and decongestants, intranasal steroid sprays, oral steroids and leukotriene inhibitors. Some people find these helpful in conjunction with other treatments like avoidance strategies or keeping cats out of certain rooms altogether.
  • Avoidance strategies: If keeping a cat out altogether isn't an option either, try these techniques instead: keep them away from high-traffic areas like hallways and family rooms; don't allow them into bedrooms; vacuum often; use HEPA filters on vents where pets spend most time sleeping; clean regularly with damp cloths dipped in mild soap solution rather than washing full baths every few days.
  • Regular bathing for cats--especially those who dislike being scrubbed down!


The best way to manage a cat allergy is by keeping your exposure to cats as limited as possible. If you're allergic to their saliva or dander, then it may be best to avoid being around them altogether. However, if this isn't an option for you or your family member with allergies, consider adopting one of these friendly breeds instead:

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