For many people, CPR is a first aid technique they learned in high school or college. That's great! But did you know that not all CPR courses are created equal? Updated guidelines for lay rescuers who have received CPR training emphasize the importance of chest compressions over rescue breaths when administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The new recommendations suggest performing chest compressions at a rate of 100 per minute and no longer teach hand placement over the breastbone. This change is based on evidence from research conducted, which found that performing frequent compressions can increase survival rates among patients receiving bystander-initiated CPR.
The benefits of bystander CPR
According to health experts, the benefits of bystander CPR are two-fold. First, it can double or triple a person's chance of survival. Second, CPR is easy to learn and perform--anyone can do it!
It is recommended that we all learn how to perform chest compressions and breaths on ourselves before taking action on someone else who has stopped breathing. It is also suggested to have a kit readily available, which can be purchased from your local pharmacy or sporting goods store, or you can make one yourself to have everything you need at hand when it matters most. Being prepared could make all the difference in a critical situation.
How can I learn how to perform CPR?
There are several ways you can learn how to perform CPR. Your first step should be finding a course that's right for you. You may want to consider taking a class through your local chapter or seeking out online certification courses. If there isn't an instructor available nearby, or if the cost of a class is prohibitively high for your budget, look into community training events and see if there are any free classes offered at hospitals or other facilities nearby your home.
Check with your employer; many companies offer CPR certification courses as part of their employee benefits package. If none are available through work but still want some hands-on experience before trying it on someone else (and who wouldn't?), consider finding someone who already knows what they're doing and asking them if they would be willing to teach you how best to perform these life-saving techniques!
Be sure to get the training you need.
If you're a healthcare professional, chances are good that you have been given formal training in CPR. If not, it's worth getting it--and making sure the course is up to date.
If someone has a cardiac emergency and needs CPR at home or work, the victim's family members aren't usually around (they've gone to get help). That means that bystanders need to step up and perform lifesaving measures until medical professionals arrive.
If you know how to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or chest compressions on adults or children as part of your job requirements (for example, as a firefighter), then great! But even if those aren't required skills for your profession, knowing how could make all the difference when an emergency happens nearby--and everyone should learn at least some basic first aid so they can help out if necessary
Learn how to perform CPR, and save a life!
- Learn how to perform CPR. It's easy! If you have even a passing knowledge of the process, you can save a life. Classes are available that teach bystander-CPR skills in less than an hour. You'll come away with certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), which means that if someone collapses in front of you, you'll know what steps to take next.
- Don't be afraid to help! Many people are hesitant or hesitant about getting involved because they don't want to do something wrong--but this isn't something where there is only one right way; just do whatever feels right at the time and keep going until help arrives.
- Don't wait for an ambulance! In some cases where someone has gone into cardiac arrest due to heart disease or diabetes mellitus (DM), waiting for emergency services could mean losing valuable minutes before treatment begins.
- Don't wait for a doctor: Even though doctors are trained professionals who may know more about treating patients than non-doctors do, they aren't always able to get there fast enough when someone needs immediate care.
- Don't wait for a nurse: Nurses also offer great care during these crucial moments but again may not always be able to provide treatment fast enough depending on where they happen upon their patient during their shift.
When it comes to CPR, the significance of bystander assistance cannot be emphasized enough. Immediate treatment during a heart attack is crucial, as victims can die within minutes without intervention. Bystander CPR is one of the most effective ways people can help save someone's life in this critical situation. However, only about 30 percent of adults know how to perform it correctly.