First Aid for Severe Bleeding: A Comprehensive Guide

You are bleeding and you need help. You have tried to stop the bleeding with a tourniquet, bandages, or even direct pressure and you still can't get it under control. What do you do next? While it is important to understand the basics of first aid, knowing how to treat severe wounds like arterial bleeding is crucial in an emergency situation. You may be able to save someone's life by learning this information now!

When to seek medical assistance for a bleeding wound

If you are not sure whether or not to seek medical attention for your bleeding wound, it is best to err on the side of caution. The following situations require immediate attention:

  • If a wound is deep, especially if you cannot stop the bleeding. This could be an indication that something serious has happened inside your body and needs immediate treatment.
  • If a wound is on a joint or near any tendons (such as in the armpit). This can cause permanent damage if left untreated.
  • If a wound is on your face or scalp because these areas are more sensitive than others and therefore have less blood flow in them already--which means any extra bleeding will be harder to manage! Also, keep in mind that there may be some internal injuries involved here too so don't ignore this warning sign!

How to stop major bleeding in a pinch

If you're bleeding out and need to stop the flow, here are your options:

  • Direct pressure: This is the most common way to treat severe bleeding. It involves pressing on the wound with a dressing or clean cloth that you've already pressed firmly against it. You should try not to move this dressing for at least 10 minutes after applying it, but if you do have to reposition yourself during that time period--say, because someone else needs help or because you need to move away from danger--make sure that each time before doing so again firmly press down on your own bandage in order not disrupt any clotting (if there was any) inside of your wound!
  • Dressing: A dressing can be anything from gauze pads all the way up through dressings made specifically for treating wounds like these; just make sure whatever type works best will also fit snugly over top without falling off easily once applied inside onto its intended surface area around where blood flow has stopped due its pressure being applied directly underneath them instead."

How to decontaminate a wound or cut

  • Clean the wound with soap and water, and then apply pressure to stop bleeding.
  • Apply a bandage over the cleaned wound, but not so tight that it restricts movement or circulation in the area.
  • Seek medical attention if you cannot stop the bleeding or if your wound is deep, dirty, or infected; medical professionals will have better tools for treating those kinds of injuries than you do at home on your own! If you do not have access to professional medical care immediately (or ever), seek out help from someone who does (e.g., friends/family members).

What to do next?

After you have stopped the bleeding, clean the wound with soap and water. If you are not sure what to do next, seek medical attention.

If you're unable to get to a doctor, cover the wound with a clean dressing and apply pressure on it for about 10 minutes until you can get help. If there is concern about infection, cleanse with an antiseptic such as alcohol or hydrogen peroxide before applying pressure again (this may sting). Covering your injury will keep it protected from dirt or germs while keeping pressure on the area until it heals properly; if possible try not to disturb any bandages while they're in place unless absolutely necessary because doing so could disrupt blood flow into surrounding tissues which could cause more bleeding after having been stopped previously


The first step to treating any severe bleeding is calling 911. As with any emergency situation, seeking medical attention should always be your first course of action.

If you are not sure what to do or if you are in a remote area where help will take too long to arrive, try getting help from someone else who knows how to stop bleeding. If possible, ask them for assistance before attempting treatment yourself - this way they can provide additional support during the process and assist with calling 911 if necessary.

In addition, it's important not just for your safety but also for your friend's well-being that he/she gets proper treatment as soon as possible after experiencing such an injury!


When faced with bleeding, it can be difficult to know how to proceed. The first step is always to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. If you are unable to do this yourself, call for help immediately.


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