First Aid Kit Must-Haves for Severe Bleeding

First aid kits are an essential part of keeping your family safe. You should have a first aid kit for your home and car, especially if you have children, older relatives, or pets. It's important that your kit include the right supplies to deal with severe bleeding.

Gauze pads

Gauze pads are an essential part of your first aid kit. They're used to clean and cover wounds, but they can also be used as a compress or bandage.

  • How to use gauze pads: Gauze pads are thin pieces of cotton that come in various sizes and shapes, depending on the purpose for which you need them. To use one, place it over the wound (or on top of another dressing) so that there is no air between the skin and the dressing material itself; this will help prevent infection from occurring under your bandages! It's important not to overlap layers of gauze because doing so increases the risk of infection due to trapped moisture between layers--so try not to apply too much pressure when applying new dressings onto existing ones.
  • Why do I recommend using those types over other alternatives? Well... Because these two things have been proven time again over by scientists around the world who've studied how effective each type works compared against others..."


Bandages should be the first thing you grab when you're trying to stop bleeding. For major cuts, plastic bandages are best because they don't stick to wounds and come in various sizes that can be applied directly over a wound. They're also sterile and absorbent, so they'll protect your skin from infection while soaking up blood (which is helpful if you don't have any gauze).

  • Bandages should always be applied tightly enough to stop the bleeding but not so tight that they cut off circulation or cause pain or discomfort for your patient. The key here is gauging how much pressure is needed based on where exactly the injury occurs: if it's an arm or leg wound, try using butterfly closures instead of tape because they tend not to get as tight as standard adhesive tapes; if it's a head injury or upper body injury where there isn't much room between skin/hair/clothing layers before reaching bone/flesh then go ahead with regular adhesive tapes instead!
  • Make sure all supplies are at least somewhat clean before using them - disposable gloves help keep things sanitary too!


Gloves are an important tool for first aid kits, especially if you're looking to treat severe bleeding. Gloves prevent the spread of germs and reduce the risk of infection if you come in contact with blood or other bodily fluids.

  • Put on your gloves by holding one hand taut, then sliding it into one side of the glove. Repeat on the other hand with another glove.
  • Remove both pairs at once by pulling them off slowly (don't yank them off) so that air doesn't get trapped under them as they come off--this can cause skin irritation or blisters later on! If there's any residue left behind from either pair when removing them, use soap and water or alcohol wipes (for reusable vinyl) to clean off before putting new ones on again later in case there was any leftover contamination during removal time!
  • Dispose properly: If disposable vinyl gloves aren't available locally where I live yet then I'd recommend recycling old pairs into something else like art projects instead since these materials aren't biodegradable like cotton ones would be over time after wearing out completely which takes longer than just throwing away plastic versions like these ones would require using up less resources too...

Butterfly closures

Butterfly closures are used to stop bleeding from a wound. They're also used in the operating room to stop bleeding and can be found in first aid kits.

Butterfly closures are small pieces of flexible plastic material that resemble butterflies. These devices sit over a cut or scrape on your skin, creating pressure around it so that you don't bleed as much. The plastic material is easy to remove and dispose of; you can use butterfly closures multiple times if needed.

Pressure bandage

A pressure bandage is a type of dressing that can be applied to wounds and is designed to stop bleeding. To apply, wrap the bandage around your patient's arm or leg so that it covers most of the wound. Then tighten it by pulling on both ends until you feel resistance, but not so much that they can't breathe. If the bandage becomes too tight, loosen it slightly and retighten; if it's too loose, re-wrap with more tension until you reach optimum compression (a good rule of thumb is to use enough pressure so that when you release your hand from under the strap, there will still be some compression).

If you're using gauze pads instead of an elasticized bandage like ACE wraps or Coban wraps, make sure not only that they don't overlap but also that there aren't any gaps between them--this will ensure maximum coverage over all surfaces where blood could escape through tiny holes in fabric before being absorbed into cloth fibers themselves). You should also check periodically throughout treatment for signs such as swelling around vital organs or increasing pain levels; these may indicate internal bleeding which requires immediate medical attention!

Universal blood-clotting material (QuikClot)

QuikClot is a hemostatic agent that stops bleeding by creating a clot. It can be used on open wounds, burns, and deep cuts. It should not be used on wounds that are bleeding slowly or near bone or organs because it can cause a heat reaction that may damage tissue in these areas. Your first aid kit should have several packs of QuikClot so you have enough for everyone if someone else needs it first.

  • Limit the time of contact with skin to 30 minutes or less
  • Do not use if you are allergic to any ingredients in the product

Tourniquet (spring-loaded or windlass)

The tourniquet is used only in the event of severe bleeding and should be applied only by someone who has been trained to do so.

  • Apply the tourniquet directly over the wound site.
  • Tighten it until you feel a pulse at your fingers but not so tight that it cuts off circulation completely.
  • Leave on for up to two hours before loosening or replacing with another elastic bandage if needed (do not remove unless absolutely necessary). If there is no improvement after two hours, seek medical attention immediately!


  • First Aid Kits are important for home, work, travel, and outdoor recreation.
  • You should have a first aid kit in your car, at work, and at home.
  • A first aid kit should include bandages or dressings for severe bleeding (useful if you have to apply pressure), gauze pads (for cleaning wounds), hydrogen peroxide (for cleaning wounds), disinfectant wipes, or liquid soap (for cleaning hands before treating someone else) and scissors (to cut bandages).


As you can see, there's a lot that goes into a first aid kit. The good news is that these items are easy to find and cheap to purchase. If you're looking for a great place to start, we recommend checking out our list of top-rated first-aid kits here.


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