Infant, Child, & Adult CPR Class Online: Learn Life-Saving Skills


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a critical life-saving skill that can make a significant difference in emergencies involving infants, children, and adults. CPR is designed to maintain blood circulation and provide oxygen to the brain and other vital organs when a person's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. Knowing how to perform CPR correctly can increase the chances of survival until professional help arrives. In this article, we will discuss the importance of CPR training, the benefits of online CPR classes offered by MyCPR NOW, and the key elements of infant, child, and adult CPR.

The Importance of CPR Training:

1. Immediate Response: CPR is a time-sensitive intervention that should be initiated as soon as possible after recognizing the need. By acquiring CPR skills, you can respond quickly in emergency situations, increasing the chances of a positive outcome.

2. Life-Saving Potential: CPR can sustain blood flow to vital organs, particularly the brain, until advanced medical care is available. Performing high-quality CPR can significantly increase the survival rate of individuals experiencing cardiac arrest or respiratory failure.

3. Confidence and Preparedness: CPR training equips you with the knowledge and skills to handle emergency situations calmly and confidently. Knowing what to do in critical moments can alleviate anxiety and increase your ability to make quick decisions that can save lives.

Benefits of Online CPR Classes with MyCPR NOW:

1. Convenience and Flexibility: MyCPR NOW offers online CPR classes that provide the flexibility to learn at your own pace and convenience. You can access the course materials anytime, anywhere, allowing you to fit CPR training into your busy schedule.

2. Interactive Learning: The online CPR classes offered by MyCPR NOW utilize interactive learning modules, videos, and quizzes to enhance your understanding of CPR techniques and procedures. This interactive format helps reinforce key concepts and ensures that you grasp the material effectively.

3. Comprehensive Course Content: The CPR classes provided by MyCPR NOW cover a wide range of topics, including infant, child, and adult CPR techniques. You will learn how to perform chest compressions, rescue breaths, and use automated external defibrillators (AEDs) appropriately for each age group.

Infant CPR:

Infants have unique physiological characteristics, which require specialized CPR techniques. Here are some key elements of infant CPR:

1. Check for Responsiveness: Gently tap the infant and shout loudly to check for responsiveness. If the infant does not respond and is not breathing normally, proceed with CPR.

2. Perform Chest Compressions: Use two fingers (middle and ring finger) to perform chest compressions on the infant's lower half of the breastbone. Compress the chest to a depth of about 1.5 inches at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.

3. Give Rescue Breaths: Cover the infant's mouth and nose with your mouth, forming a seal, and deliver gentle, quick breaths lasting about one second each. Observe for the rise and fall of the infant's chest with each breath.

Child CPR:

Children require CPR techniques that are slightly modified from those used for infants and adults. Here are some key elements of child CPR:

1. Check for Responsiveness: Shake the child gently and shout loudly to check for responsiveness. If the child does not respond and is not breathing normally, proceed with CPR.

2. Perform Chest Compressions: Place the heel of one hand on the center of the child's chest, slightly below the nipple line. Use your other hand to provide additional support and compress the chest to a depth of about 2 inches at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.

3. Give Rescue Breaths: Cover the child's mouth with your mouth, forming a seal, and deliver gentle, quick breaths lasting about one second each. Observe for the rise and fall of the child's chest with each breath.

Adult CPR:

The techniques for adult CPR are similar to child CPR, with some variations. Here are some key elements of adult CPR:

1. Check for Responsiveness: Tap the adult gently and shout loudly to check for responsiveness. If the adult does not respond and is not breathing normally, proceed with CPR.

2. Perform Chest Compressions: Place the heel of one hand on the center of the adult's chest, between the nipples. Use your other hand to provide additional support, and compress the chest to a depth of about 2 inches at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.

3. Give Rescue Breaths: Pinch the adult's nose with your thumb and forefinger, and cover their mouth with your mouth, forming a seal. Deliver gentle, full breaths lasting about one second each. Observe for the rise and fall of the adult's chest with each breath.


Learning infant, child, and adult CPR is an invaluable skill that can save lives in emergency situations. With MyCPR NOW's online CPR classes, you have the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills conveniently and at your own pace. By completing the training, you will be prepared to respond effectively in critical situations, provide high-quality CPR, and increase the chances of survival for those in need. Enroll in an online CPR class with MyCPR NOW to gain the confidence and skills to make a difference in emergency situations.

CPR Certification
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