Pet First Aid – How to Look Out for Your Furry Friends

A Dog & Cat CPR and first aid certification is now available online so you can learn how to look out for your furry friends from the comfort of your own home. Animal first aid certification can help give you the confidence to take charge in the event of an emergency and the peace of mind to know what to do. These skills can help you remain calm as well as keeping your pet calm to prevent further injury in time of distress. Animal first aid courses are great classes for first time pet owners as well as lifelong pet owners. No one ever plans to be in a medical emergency. Knowing what to do and knowing what not to do can help save a life, including the lives of our furry friends who rely on us the most.

One of the most common accidents that pets have is ingesting something that is toxic. Do you know what to do if you pet consumes cleaning chemicals or poison? Dog first aid courses teach us to contact the Animal Poison Control Center immediately. Their number is 888-426-4435 and they are available twenty-four hours per day and seven days per week. If possible, you will need to have the name of the chemical product or poison that your pet has consumed, the quantity that may have been exposed to your pet, the length of time that has passed since your pet first came into contact with that chemical, and the original product packaging for reference. If your pet has vomited, you will want to collect that sample to bring to your veterinarian along with the information above. Knowing how much and what they came into contact with and how much they were able to expel from their bodies will help the emergency veterinarian staff determine the next best course of action. 

Seizures are another common ailment with dogs and cats. Sometimes seizures are caused by a medical condition, just like with people. Other times, they can be stressed induced. If you notice your pet having a seizure, do not try to restrain your pet. They will not understand what is happening to them and restraining them can cause trauma and fear, in additional to putting yourself in harms way. Clear out any large furniture or items that could cause injury to your pet. Time the seizure and try to keep your pet in a quiet area while you contact your veterinarian. These are just a few tips on CPR first aid classes for pets. Sign up for more information today and take an online certification course in pet CPR and first aid training!

Dog & Cat First Aid Certification
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