What Does an AED Do?

An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is a device that analyzes the heart rate of an individual who is suffering from cardiac arrest to determine if a shock is needed to reset the proper rhythm and function of the heart. Any CPR or CPR online renewal course can show you the proper technique for using an AED.

Online CPR and First Aid certification course programs are designed to help you feel comfortable using an AED device with confidence if ever needed in an emergency situation. The AED device itself was also designed to be very user friendly so that even someone without CPR experience or training would be able to administer the device correctly. The newer AED machines are all automated so you simply have to just follow the directions.  

The first step is to remove the victim’s shirt or unbutton the front so that you can attach the AED pads correctly for an accurate reading of the victim’s heart rhythm. A common mistake that individuals make will be to leave a bra on female victims for fear of modesty issues. The underwire of bras is a conductor of electricity and will prevent the AED device from giving you an accurate reading and can cause burns when a shock is administered so it’s removal is a necessity when a female victim is in cardiac arrest. The AED device has simple pictures to follow showing you the exact placement of the pads. These pads are to stay in place until the paramedics arrive so that additional shocks can be given if needed. The pads only have enough glue to be adhered once so it is important to leave them in place.  

Once pads are in place, you can push the start button for the scan of the heart rhythm to begin. Another common problem that individuals will make is touching the victim. This is really difficult for loved ones to not hold onto the victim, but it is imperative so the heart rate reading is accurate. If you are holding or touching the victim, the scan might accidentally give a reading of your heart instead of the victim’s heart and a lifesaving shock may not be administered. The AED device will tell you to stand back and automatically tell you if a shock is needed, beginning this process without you having to do anything. After the shock is administered, begin CPR, leaving all AED pads in place.

Seeing a victim go into cardiac arrest can be a scary experience for both the victim and the rescuer. Getting CPR certified and staying on top of your online CPR renewal can help you feel confident in knowing what to do at a moment’s notice if you ever find someone in need. 

Online AED training saves lives and helps you be more prepared in the event of a medical emergency, so get started today by clicking the link below!


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