When to Switch Rescuer Positions During CPR

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a critical emergency procedure used to maintain blood flow and oxygenation in individuals experiencing cardiac arrest. Performing CPR is physically demanding, and rescuers may need to switch positions to sustain high quality chest compressions and minimize fatigue. The most effective methods for delivering chest compressions include the ‘two-thumb’ or ‘two-finger’ techniques, and recommended positions such as the lateral tilt, prone, supine, and kneeling positions help provide the necessary angle for the best compressions. Knowing when to switch positions during CPR is important to ensure the continuity and quality of compressions. Additionally, rescue breaths are a crucial step in performing CPR, involving the delivery of oxygen-rich air into the patient’s lungs to support vital organ function during cardiac arrest. In this blog post, we will explore the guidelines and considerations for switching rescuer positions during CPR, emphasizing the importance of adherence to recognized protocols and the resources provided by MyCPR NOW to enhance your knowledge and skills in CPR techniques.

MyCPR NOW Resources for Performing CPR Techniques:

MyCPR NOW offers valuable resources to help you learn and improve your CPR skills, emphasizing the importance of training and certification for those who perform CPR effectively. These resources include:

Interactive Learning Modules:

MyCPR NOW's interactive learning modules provide comprehensive training on CPR techniques, including the proper positioning of rescuers. These modules feature step-by-step instructions, visual aids, and interactive exercises to enhance your understanding and proficiency in CPR.

Expert Insights:

The CPR resources provided by MyCPR NOW are curated by healthcare professionals and experts in the field. They ensure that the information provided is accurate, up-to-date, and aligned with recognized guidelines and best practices.

When to Switch Rescuer Positions: Rescuers Switch Positions 

Time-Based Switching:

It is recommended to switch rescuer positions every two minutes during CPR to ensure high quality chest compressions are maintained. This allows for the redistribution of physical effort and minimizes the decline in compression quality due to fatigue from performing prolonged chest compressions.

Cues from an Automated External Defibrillator (AED):

If an automated external defibrillator (AED) is available, it may provide prompts to switch rescuer positions. AEDs are equipped with voice prompts and visual cues that guide rescuers through the CPR process, including the timing of position switches.

Spontaneous Switching:

In some instances, rescuers may naturally switch positions without following a strict time-based guideline. This can occur when the rescuer performing chest compressions shows signs of fatigue, hesitation, or frustration, or requests relief due to physical or mental exhaustion. Rescuers should communicate effectively and ensure a smooth transition to maintain the continuity of CPR. Spontaneous switching helps ensure that high quality chest compressions are consistently delivered, even when rescuers experience fatigue.

Considerations for Position Switching and Rescue Breaths:


Clear communication among rescuers is essential to ensure high quality chest compressions when switching CPR positions. Effective communication and teamwork are crucial, as rescuers should indicate their intention to switch, confirm readiness with the next rescuer, and ensure a seamless transition without interrupting compressions.

Technique Consistency:

When switching positions, it is important to maintain consistency in compression technique to ensure high quality chest compressions. Rescuers should strive to deliver compressions at the proper rate, depth, and recoil, ensuring optimal blood flow to vital organs and minimizing interruptions.

Minimizing Interruptions:

Switching positions should be done swiftly and efficiently to ensure high quality chest compressions and minimize interruptions. Rescuers should coordinate their movements and ensure a seamless transition without compromising the quality of CPR.

Rescuer Well-being:

Rescuer well-being is paramount during CPR to ensure high quality chest compressions are maintained. Switching positions allows for the redistribution of physical effort, reducing the risk of rescuer fatigue and maintaining the quality of compressions.

Conclusion: Addressing Rescuer Fatigue

Knowing when to switch positions during CPR is crucial for maintaining high quality chest compressions and preventing rescuer fatigue, especially after prolonged chest compressions which can lead to compression fatigue and reduced CPR quality. Rescue teams should switch positions to maintain effective CPR, recognizing signs of fatigue and ensuring consistent compression quality.

By following the guidelines and considerations outlined above and utilizing the resources provided by MyCPR NOW, you can enhance your knowledge and skills in CPR techniques. Remember, clear communication, coordination, and maintaining consistency in compression technique are essential during position switches. With the knowledge and skills gained from MyCPR NOW, you will be better equipped to provide continuous, high-quality CPR and increase the chances of successful resuscitation.

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