When to Use a Tourniquet

A tourniquet can be used to stop severe bleeding to help sustain life while waiting for emergency help to arrive. If someone is involved in an accident, the bleeding could be so severe that the victim could bleed out while waiting for help to arrive. This is when a tourniquet would be used to restrict the blood flow to prevent loss of life. The average person with severe bleeding could bleed out in about three minutes. The average response time for a paramedic to arrive after receiving a 911 emergency call is between four and ten minutes, and sometimes longer depending on where you live.  Taking a first aid course can help teach you when to use a tourniquet and how to use one correctly. 

There are several levels of first aid training that you can take. Basic first aid course online programs provides first aid training and goes over techniques and skills for common first aid emergencies that apply to everyday living. A first aid for severe bleeding certification online program covers more advanced methods of stopping bleeding that basic first aid does not address. This additional information in severe bleeding first aid certification courses includes treating victims that are in shock or have had seizures in addition to stabilizing individuals in emergency type situations to sustain bodily functions. Learning to use a Tourniquet is covered in both types of first aid certification training, but goes into more detail with severe bleeding first aid courses.

The types of tourniquets that you can purchase today for first aid kits are designed to be easy to use, even if you have not had any experience with one before. They are also designed so that you can use one on yourself if you are in a severe trauma type emergency and you are alone with no one nearby to help. CPR and first aid training skills save lives every day. Protect yourself and your loved ones by learning these lifesaving skills with online certification programs that you can complete from the comfort of your home. 

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