When to Use a Hemostatic Agent

Hemostatic agents are used to help clot blood in a serious injury when compression alone is not enough to stop the bleeding. Emergency aid certificate programs and CPR first aid training classes educate individuals about hemostatic agents and when to use them. Knowing how to use them properly can significantly improve the chances of survival and speed up recovery time for someone involved with a medical emergency that is wounded and bleeding.

911 should be called first before rendering aid to someone. Providing first aid as a first responder does not replace the need for medical care. Compression would be the first choice of care for someone with a serious wound that is bleeding. You can use clean cotton gauze if you have access to a first aid kit or any clean material to hold firmly to the wound to help stop the bleeding. If compression alone does not work, a hemostatic agent will need to be used to prevent further blood loss.

A first aid and safety class can be taken online to learn about the different types of hemostatic agents that are available to use. Topical hemostatic agents, such as granular powders and dressings, can be purchased from your local drug store or pharmacy to keep your personal first aid kit stocked up for any type of emergency. Some of the over-the-counter hemostatic agents also come available as a spray for easy application, which can be beneficial if you are trying to apply to yourself.

Holistic and natural hemostatic agents have also been used with success when drug store varieties were not accessible. Ice, witch hazel, and black tea bags with compression gauze are a few of the common household items that have been used as hemostatic agents when a medical grade variety was not available. When earning your first aid license, you will learn about what to do when you do not have a professional medical kit accessible to you.

After the blood from the wound has started to clot, elevate the affected area if you can to prevent the wound from starting to bleed again. Remain calm and keep the victim calm. Do not try to move the victim or make them get up to walk. The emergency medical team should arrive between four and ten minutes after the first 911 phone call was phoned in. Maintain your first aid CPR recertification so that you maintain your first responder skills year after year.

First Aid and Safety Certification: Online

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