Pet CPR + First Aid Certification Manual: Normal Vital Signs

Pet First Aid: Normal Vital Signs


  • Dogs - unlabored 10-30 breaths per minute with no more than 200 pants. When monitoring a dog's respiratory rate, observe how the chest rises with each breath.
  • Cats have an unlabored respiratory rate of 20-30 breaths per minute.


    • Take the pulse at the inside of the upper hind leg or where the elbow meets the chest (at the 5th rib)
    • Cats should be between 160-220 beats per minute (bpm)
    • Dog heart rates can vary by size and age between 60-100 bpm for large dogs, 100-140 bpm for small dogs and 120-160 bpm for puppies


      • Press against mucous membrane (gums) and then release tension
      • CRT should take 1-2 seconds to return to normal color
      • The mucous membrane should be pink and wet
      • Capillary refill time (CRT) is a useful indicator of blood flow and the health of tiny blood vessels.
      • Slower than normal CRT can indicate a circulation problem
      • Prolonged CRT can be a sign of internal bleeding or other serious conditions


        A pet's body temperature should be taken rectally with a thermometer. The normal body temperature for dogs and cats ranges between 99.5-102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. To take a cat's temperature, use a digital thermometer inserted rectally. An ear thermometer can also be used, but it should be inserted gently into the ear canal.


        • Pull the skin between the shoulder blades and then release. Dehydration can be caused by various factors, including heat stroke and hypovolemic shock.
        • The skin should return quickly if the animal is hydrated