CPR + First Aid + BBP Certification Manual: Common CPR Mistakes

CPR: Common Mistakes
Common Mistakes

Avoiding common mistakes when administering Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation can help ensure high-quality CPR and maximize the chance of saving a life. Proper CPR and AED administration is essential to improving the survivability of the victim. High-quality CPR can significantly reduce SCA mortality rates. Some of the most common CPR administration mistakes are listed below:

Not checking for scene safety before starting CPR
  • Not calling for help before starting CPR
  • Compressing at the wrong speed (usually too slowly)
  • Not exerting enough force on the compressions
  • Not allowing full chest recoil between compressions
  • Bending elbows during compressions
  • Using an incorrect compressions-to-ventilation ratio
  • Treating non-life threatening wounds before starting or while performing CPR